This would've never happend if I weren't so stupid.

Here's the story as to why I am hated by most of the people at my school;
Okay, There is this girl that I absolutly can't stand. She is dating someone I really care about and she treats him like shit most of the time and she hates me because he likes me too. So I sent her a message on myspace and told her how I feel but she freaked out and went off on me. So we argued back and forth, then she deleted and blocked me off of her myspace; she did the same thing to me on her boyfriend's profile. So all of her friends like hate me because I don't like her? This was all on Friday.
Then, this guy that I thought was like my bestfriend and I thought I could really trust asked me to send a 'picture' of me to him on Saturday. So I got in front of the mirror and did. Now, I don't reallly know who did it because he claimed he didn't, but 'someone' sent it to this girl who hates me. And guess what she did? Showed alot of fucking people. Then she sent it to one of her friends who also hate me. So now basically the whole 8th grade has seen me topless. And they are all saying shit that isn't even true just because that girl that hates me. And I got her and her other friend wanting to fight me. School is a living hell right now.
None of this would've happend if I wouldn't have sent her that message to her and sent him that picture. I'm so stupid.
And to make all this worse for me, we are KCCT testing.
This sucks.
April 27th, 2010 at 03:21am