Blue Canary In The Outlet By The Lightswitch...

Who Watches Over You?

HEY MIBBA!!! I haven't posted a new journal* in a really long time, so I decided, that in light of recent events, I would post a new journal*

*= sub out for the word VIDEO

Tell me what youtube video that came from, and I will comment something of yours. Also, if you can tell me the name and artist of the song from which I got the lyrics for the title of this journal, you will get a comment. :D

I love this site. I have pretty much been on this site nonstop for the last few weeks. Certain people on this site are pretty much amazing, and the other ones, who I have not met yet, are probably amazing too. So,if we have not talked, send me a comment or pm. Or, if we have, do it anyways. I love talking to people. :D

Tell me something about yourself. :D Random fact about me: I am freakishly obsessed with a certain female country singer who is 20 years old, and was born in Wyomissing Pennsylvania. Can you guess who it is? :D

Hint: It rhymes with Schmaylor Schmift
April 27th, 2010 at 07:08am