Face Reality

Destiny is the future were bound too. Yet we will always try to change it, mold it, and not let it go, in hopes that the world will go the way we wish it too. Untill you face the fact that of what the world actually is, and what we believe this thing we call a 'society' actually is in reality, then there is no way you will come a step closer to realizing what your meant to do in this world.
In my short fifteen years, one month, and twenty three days (Still counting) of existence I have come to meet many people with different ways of thinking. No one ever thinks the same, about anything, we all know this.
Recently I had a friend of a friend ask simply ask me a question, "Success or Happieness?". I firmly believe that in this world, there is no right and wrong, I also believe there is no success or failure in this world, but after my views on everything Iv seen after all Iv thought about I would, with no doubt in my mind, choose happieness. Im aware that through my life my mind and views will change, but I really deeply hope this does not happen. Im happy the way I think, I never want it to change, otherwise im going to get stuck working 9-5 doing something I hate. In a pointless road of life that at this age I will never want to live.
Im tired of being told what will give me cancer and what wont. Im tired of being told what will make me live longer and what wont, what car I should buy, the brand I should wear. Im also sick of being told whats right as to whats wrong. People themseleves should know that without being told so.

(More To Be Added On)
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April 28th, 2010 at 01:57am