I finished my poem and I need help

I think I finished it so I posted it. I just need to know if it's good or if i should fix it. It's called Pretty Porcelain Doll.

Pretty porcelain doll sits on her shelf.
No one sees her sitting there
for she goes unnoticed.
She just sits there
beautiful but lifeless,
wishing someone could hear her cries.
She's all alone,
no one to love her,
no one to hold her when she's broken.
Her eyes scream to be heard,
but no one cares enough to listen.
Eventually she will crack and break
unleashing her darkness from within.
If only someone could see her perfect smile is fake.
If only someone knew.
Pretty porcelain doll just sits on her shelf.

Don't know what else is going on. I found out my friend started cutting. It makes me so sad. It makes me want to do it because it reminds me of how good it felt. I thought I was done with the whole cutting thing but I guess you can never really be done with it if it becomes an addiction. Once an addiction always an addiction. I don't know how to help her and it's sad because I went through it. I don't understand how I don't know how to help her if I used to do it. You'd think I would have a way. All of my friends are having problems and i don't know how to help them. I used to be so good at it and now I just feel like I'm letting them down because I feel I can't. How do I help them?
April 29th, 2010 at 04:15pm