Witchcraft: Raising Energy

In any form of witchcraft you will need to learn to raise energy. Raising energy is a way of focusing, connecting with your surroundings, and the energy is used in your spell work. There are a myriad of ways you can raise energy; the way you raise energy depends souly on what your ritual or spell is about. For instance, say you want to raise energy for a rain spell; how you would want to raise the energy is by playing some type of drum and dancing. When you are playing the drums and dancing you are preparing your mind and telling it: "hey wake up, its time to connect!!" When you are doing these things to raise energy keep in mind there is more to raising energy than just being active.

Before raising your energy you want to really focus your mind; you want to be in a trance like state during your energy. You do this with meditation. In my form of witchcraft, traditional witchcraft, it is called going within. The reason it is called going within is that you are going within yourself and quieting the mind. The use of going within is also good for just raising energy. One thing you will learn in witchcraft is that your craft can be simple or complicated; you can go within and pull energy from the ground focus it on your intent. Going within should be practiced for a while before raising energy with it.

I have found by experience that the time of raising energy is a really good time to call on spirits and ancestors to help guide in your spell or ritual. All you have to do is call out and they will come. The spirits and guides are not mind readers, they will not come if you don't ask them to. One last note: do lots of research on the craft so you know what is appropriate with your spells and rituals; You can't just raise energy any old way. Many blessings my friends.
April 29th, 2010 at 09:42pm