Thoughts upon my thoughts.

So I was thinking...

I put a lot of hard work into my stories.
Im not going to say anything like "bitch read ma story now!"
But I am going to ask, if your in the mood for a story with constant cliff hangers, please read mine. I work hard on it, most of my readers like it, they comment it, and subscribe.
So im not trying to be one of those freaks who try and get A LOT or attention so they can have the most readers/comments/subscribers, im just trying to get my story out there so people can read it, and so I can know if its actually good.
Technically I don't know if it is good. Everyone just say 'i love it' where is the helpful critizism, how do I know what I did wrong if no one tells me, how do I know what to write next if no one tells me exactly what they liked.
If your a person who likes to tell people the actual good in the story, please read mine.

I was also thinking...

The people who go around and report stories for fun.
What is that shit. Like really, thats mean. And I know that reporting actually stuff is good, but in my opinion I don't believe in doing that. Some one worked hard on there story. Words might come out differently in there head, so when you read it, it makes no sense to you, so you put it as 'incorrect grammer' in the report, but actually thats how the writer wanted it. I think reporting is so bull.
Then you have to 'wait for the editors' thats a load of bull! There's people who wait months for them to check it. Its dumb. Reporting is dumb!

UGH! Thanks for reading my thoughts/rants.

Go check out my story. I need critizism.
April 30th, 2010 at 07:17am