Time to speak

I've been sitting here in this class for the past three weeks and the teacher still hasn't done anything to help my current situation. He hasn't gone over the CSS class sheets, nor had he managed to make the damn sheet with a list of things for us to have implamented in our site. I'm really personally feeling like dropping out of this class. I only wanted to make this site for my girl and I so we can have someplace to store our information. I may just go off and do this myself on some other site like Piczo or Webs or HELL I'll even just make it up in photoshop for all I care.

I'm going to talk to my parents about it, I mean, there is only so many months left before exams and the like. I should just buckle down and face it, all I know is that next year I'm going to do something completely different. I'll teach myself web design. Because I won't ignore me >_>

Other than that... I've just been sitting here... being bored, and doing nothing other than reading FML, LOLcats and looking at pictures of strange mustaches from 10:10am till 11:10am... a whole our that I usually spend drawing but I've sucked the muse right from myself because of it. Maybe I can go to the computers after this class during my spare to the library and finish editing the chapters of Lock Down, Maybe even put the third chapter up on here, I don't think that I had this week, Sorry D:


My teacher is very annoying. No one likes him...
April 30th, 2010 at 05:50pm