long distance/ love.

Hello. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. That is what a long distance relationship sounds like. You meet then after that day its likely you could never meet again. Lets face it some people say well i can text them... well that gets annoying. Texting by no means is a way to carry a relationship. you need to speak with them, communicate face to face here and feel the emotions not just read it from a text or see it on and emoticon. there are things humans as a species need to survive food, water, and then one other incredibly important thing...love. Wether it be from your parents,aunt, uncle, friend, god, and even your better half. We all need love its that ones thing that lugs us out of bed in the morning that one thing that makes us smile, laugh, jump, or even cry, weep, or sob. It more or less describes who we are. Im not really certain on were i was going witth this but i hope it helps anyway let me know what you think and if you disagree by all means make a journal explaining why id love to read it.
April 30th, 2010 at 10:02pm