An Insatiable Obsession...

The title says it: An Insatiable Obsession.

That's what writing is for me. I think of a story, and I just have to type it. I can't help it. And my worst thing is I almost always put it on here if I don't have ideas, and based on whether I get reviews or not or how much I like the story, I keep working on it. I have like, more than seven active or semi-active stories right now, and it's really hard to keep up with them! I'm working right now on like, chapter five of the sequel to Into the Goblin Wood (It's called Free From The Wood, Yet Slave to The Heart, but I wanna change the title).

I have another story I've just started that I really like. No, it's not Just Say My Name. No, it's not Resigned (although I have loved that darn thing since I first thought of it while playing a Final Fantasy game a while back). It's actually not up here. And it's main plot point revolves around a Black Rose. Like my username, haha. But seriously. Roses are very important to my new story.

And like, five of my new stories I've started like, recently. Within three months. That is sooooo not good. I can't keep up with them!!! I've only finished two stories, Be A Man and Into the Goblin Wood - and the goblin wood has a sequel I'm working on(as mentioned above)!

I guess what I'm trying to say is I can't stop writing. I don't think anything I write is good enough to make a book out of (at least, not without a lot of revision and lengthening) and there's only one story I've been holding back and holding back and slowly working on that I'm intending to get published if it's ever good enough. I have preliminary character sketches on my DeviantART...but that's beside the point.

I CAN'T STOP WRITING NEW THINGS. It's not good for me. And I don't get much feedback. I'd like someone to tell me what I'm doing wrong, what I'm doing right, what I could tweak a bit to make it better, etc. But I hardly get those things. I get "OMG I LOVE IT WRITE MORE" and sometimes someone tells me their favorite part of the newest chapter...but feedback, guys! Something like, "Your descriptions are a little sketchy. Try to make the image really pop!" or "Your dialogue needs work, they sound to young/old for their age" or even "You need less description/dialogue and more dialogue/description" y'know?!

I love writing. I love it with a passion - kind of like drawing. But I get frustrated more easily when drawing than I do with writing because I can just hit backspace when I screw up on here and sometimes the eraser doesn't pull the pencil off the paper well enough when I draw and I get uber pissed and crumple it and toss it...but I do love writing and drawing. And reading. Maybe I like writing so much because I love to read. I really am a right-brain person, mostly. Just barely, because I'm kinda smart, too, but I'm primarily right-brain, which is the more creative side. At least according to a test.

I got off topic, though. I love to write, but sometimes I have so many things going on that I don't get around to updating for, like, ever. I don't really want people to get mad at me if they actually read what I write, and I don't like it if I have like, five chapters of something up and no feedback at all. If I have at least one subscriber, I usually go on a bit longer. But, yeah.

If ya'll read this, give me your opinions. Should I just keep writing whenever I think of something, or should I just type the vague idea and save it for a later date, or what? Help is appreciated!

---Amanda =3
May 1st, 2010 at 02:40am