Ice Water

Saying I'm exhausted is bit of an understatement. But at least progress towards better days is underway.
I had dinner with my parents and my sisters today at outback (we've never been to that one before but dinner was yummy) after a long emotional talk with my parents. All of us were glassy eyed and i cried some.
It's hard. Betrayal. I've endured it before and i'm over it (my cousin got married and it turned out she was a complete fucking psycho drug whore; we were all in shock because we all loved her so much and had completely no idea: story for another day).
I know to everyone else, they think i've been manipulated and used and lied to, but i know in my heart it's not true. I can't explain it, i guess faith in facts is how i'd describe it.
I was lied to. I was being used. My whole life was a twisted illusion; for eighteen years.
Now, theres no more secrets. No more buried lies that will come back to haunt. There's no more confusion of who i am- i know very well now.
This is probably very strange for those of you who are reading this, after all most of you are just perfect strangers and have no idea who i am.
So don't worry about it. If you feel like mister curious cheshire chump cat i suggest you read Savannah. Its basically like an autobiography but i wouldn't really go that far in calling it so.
Anyways, read up on Love Story. I updated. O.o shocking, i know.
i got my mojo back so i've hit the keyboard again. Plus i just got a laptop and i'm using it now. It's a PC. i love it. I think i'm going to name it/him Archer. My guyfriend suggested it.
I'm rambling. I'm exhausted. So i'll leave it at this;


"I'd give up the use of my legs to have what I had before. My heart is still broken."

ice water is deliscious
May 1st, 2010 at 08:55am