Pirates, Lemon Bars and a Word Search about Confucius

So that title actually has nothing whatsoever to do with what I had actually planned to say, but now I feel guilty for calling it that so I guess I'm going to rant/talk about those for a bit.
I'm currently watching a Pirate movie, which leads me to think about how much FUN it would be to work on the set of one of those.....I mean think about it.
You'd be surrounded by Swords, (normally) some rather nice and interesting looking men (Or women, if you're into that sort of thing) and the fashion for pirates is equivalent to our Rock stars....come on, who wouldn't want to be one of the pirates in movies.
(I leave out the real life pirates, since it is not Nearly so romantic a job choice outside of hollywood)
I figured out how to turn mine green and it didn't require mold.

It just required copious amounts of green dye, quite a bit more than I had originally thought.
I found that it gives it an interesting look, especially since most people expect lemon bars to be yellow, so figuring out how to make them green Really gave me a sense of accomplishment and pride. (Or am I just weird? Sorry, but my dad raised me to like strange colored food. When he would get a tad bored and be making oatmeal, he would add dye to it, just to make it look interesting. Plus, my family and I would react so well that it would be enjoyable on both sides of it.)
Ok, and the word search was already finished, but I saw it whilst preparing to type, so I couldn't help but think it would make the title more amusing.
So I had something that I had wanted to say, but now I can't remember what it was.....that was one of the reasons I decided to actually type about what I had put in the title.
How many people here forget stuff easily even when they're not older???
*raises hand* Sadly, I do it all the time.
^_^ But it's ok, it makes conversations more interesting. Example:
My friend said something that opened them up to a teasing remark, which I bite back.
They then ask me what I was about to say, but I refuse.
By the time they manage to get me to agree, I have forgotten what exactly the remark Was, let alone say it.
You have no idea how annoyed my friends get ^_^
Um, so......I think I don't have anything else to say, so if you read this, just leave a comment, huh?
Pretty please with a cherry on top??? *begging eyes*
You have to leave a comment that's amusing, otherwise it'd just be silly.....^_^
(Kidding, you don't have to)
*evil cackle* Talk to you Later my PRETTIES!!! >XD
May 1st, 2010 at 11:15am