Help! [Romeo and Juliet]

For my english project my teacher gave us a list of 19 projects to pick from and me loving music picked the one where we make a playlist for one character (songs they'd like and why) or a soundtrack for the whole play. I have to pick a few lines and write about why it fits and then write a few paragraphs how. So far I have 4 songs... I need 15. Do you guys know any songs that wouldn't be too obvious? And that my teacher won't think I just googled songs that fit to the story?

I've only done like one project all year... and I've had 8-10. I've also done one essay and we've had three (I have an essay along with the project so I got to start that to :[ )

So please give me some song suggestions!
May 2nd, 2010 at 08:33pm