She's Slipping Away

She's 13 years old.
Has sex 4 times a week
Does Drugs

She's my best friend.
Ever since March she's been a slut and totally different.

I wish i was there to catch her before she fell, and started screwing her life up.

But if she falls I'm going to fall with her it's what calls us best friends forever,

I wish she didn't start hanging out with that one girl.
The one girl that changed her from being one of the most nicest people in the world to one of the meanest, different person.

She's my best friend and I'm going to try to get the old her back.
If i don't I'll just fall with her.

I'm never going to let her go even if she does make mistakes.
She's always going to be my best friend, she was there for me.
Now I'm going to be here for her
May 3rd, 2010 at 04:07am