People are loud| I'm not paying attention|

I have come to the conclusion that people, (meaning my family) like to talk to me when I am clearly busy, and or not in the mood to deal with people.

And people are loud! >.<

So I sit here trying to write with my ever dying muse screaming at me in protest, while these people insist on telling me about things that I could care less about right now... Like 'omigosh! there was a pug puppy at walmart and...' blah blah blah... really? Is this so important that you would disrupt my already failing train of thought?

*sighs* I love my my family, but dude. I need my quiet time.

Do you think they even notice that I'm not even paying attention to them right now?... eh... I hope not.. O.O their annoying, but I'd rather not upset them :/
May 4th, 2010 at 02:17am