
Starting a new story soon. Well... I've already started it, I just have to get it from being on paper to being online. Easy enough said, but when it comes to the task, it's a little harder for me then it sounds. For some reason, unless I'm in school, I don't have the urge to write anything, handwriten or typed. I may be broken... but I already knew that, so I'm not worried about it.

It's a fanfiction on something even I didn't think I would write about... The movies, maybe, but the TV series??? I really have sunk kinda low I guess.

X-men Evolution (very good show) but still... >.< It's just wrong that I'm writing about this because it's a kid's show! But a really good kids show! And Kurt is adorable!! With his sexy german accent and blue fuzziness!!

Like I said... I'm broken.... If you get the chance, too, by the way, go to google or somewhere and turn the safe search off and look up some of the pictures under "Nightcrawler" and "Kurt Wanger". It's VERY creepy how people like to demolish the innocence in the world. Totally serious. Pictures of Kurt and Toad getting it on, (which I find absolutly REPULSIVE because of how disgusting toad is. Boy has NO hygene what so ever... *shudders* Gross!) and pictures of Kurt and Mystique... That's his MOTHER people!! Really! Just... there are some creepy people out there with creepy idea and a good talent for drawing.

Poor little blue man all defiled because people think it would be cute for him to have gay relations with multiple different characters from the show.
May 5th, 2010 at 05:49pm