I have a good day... and you have a bad one.


I'm usually bummed for gym because I'm usually really tired because I'm slightly an insomiac so I usually can't sleep until the morning and then I have to get up, and get ready for school with no coffee, making every single class seemingly endless.

But not today.

Last night I did all my homework then went and hung out with my friends, and for some odd reason this made me really tired; I fell asleep the second I closed my eyes and didn't wake up until 4:30 (which is really good for me). Because I had nothing to do, I took a shower and got dressed, but then I got tired again so I slept right up until 7:30 when I got up, put on a tad bit of makeup and bracing myself for a terrible day.... But as I walked into my empty kitchen a little green light caught my eye... green?

The coffee pot always showed red unless it was full and hot.... So, cautiously I walked over and poked the button that would let the coffee come out - and like magic a stream of steaming black coffee leaked out onto the counter. I was in shock, so I grabbed a mug, creamer, and sugar, this morning I had coffee for breakfast.

This put me in high spirits and woke me up by the time I was skipping out to the bus at 7:56 AM. Needless to say I was wide awake the rest of the school day, and lately I find myself unable to pay attention but I did today!

And in Spanish (aka my nap time) I was able to have a full convo with my teacher!! IN SPANISH! That's quiet an accomplishment!! In gym, I ran the 4 laps in the 5 minutes, and I hit 2 home runs in soft ball :) :) :)

But... my 3 best friends all had crummy days. Why is it that whenever I have sucky days they have the time of their lives? And when I have amazingly amazing days they have shitty days??


May 5th, 2010 at 11:46pm