I'm back back baby. Properly this time.

I took a long leave of absence due to ... laziness is really the only reason I can cite.
But now I'm back! Had a nice spring cleaning of my profile since I had grown up a wee bit in my absence.
And all but two of my stories have been deleted due to sudden realisation of the poor quality in which I had written them. They epitomised everything I despised about other fiction. And my Firefox spellchecker is really annoying me. I'm Australian. I don't spell realise with a Z. You Americans must find us a titillating bunch :/
There will be more stories to come in the future, but I will be inspecting them further and taking more care and consideration to make sure I send out the finest calibre possible.
Anyone who subscribed to my last stories (goodness, you wouldn't even know if it was you, would you?) should really watch this space. Or check out my remaining two for a sneak preview. I only kept these two because they are parodies and there's never a fault to be found with parodies :D
May 6th, 2010 at 02:08pm