Opinions, Opinions. Could you guys help me out?

Hello everyone, this is my first journal haha.
But I just figured I'd journal about today because honestly, I am extremely pissed.

So today, I was walking in the hall with my friend (he's a guy) and he was grinding on me and I was like "Ew go away" and I like mocked slapped him. Well the librarian saw and TOLD the disciplinary in the school. She went and found every person in the hallway that had seen and made them fill out reports abuot how I slapped my friend. Then like, 2 hours later I was called in.

She told me to fill out the report for what happened in the hallway and I went "what happened?" I truly couldn't recall, as it was such a miniscule thing, I thought nothing of it.
"You slapped someone in the hallway no?" "Oh yeah, I did but-" "I don't want to hear it, fill out the paper and get out"

It'd been like 5 minutes, because I didn't have much to write, I was just SO livid with this woman that I couldn't think right so I tried to explain what I had written afterwards and I was like,

"It was just a joke I didn't mean anything by it, and he knows that" "To bad, you are NOT to hit another student in here no matter what circumstances. None at all" "I just want you to know that I didn't do it out of anger, I was just joking" "I don't care get out"

She didn't even write me a pass back to class! Not to mention she also told me that I'm probably getting suspended.

So thank you, thank you a lot fuck face.

In other news, I'm writing a research paper on the legalization of pot and I'm for the idea.
However, I'd like to get some opposing views and agreeing views.

Feel free to duke it out in comments. The more I get the better.

So my questions

Do you think me getting suspended is justified?
How do you feel about the legalization of pot?
May 7th, 2010 at 09:16pm