RD Question And Answer

RD Au Question and Answers.

So I get a lot of questions about RD AU so I’m going to answer a few here.

Q: Why can the vampires go out in day light?

Surprisingly the whole vampires not being able to go out in day light only came about at the beginning of the last century. There is quite a few films where they do go out in the sun, The Hunger being one of them. Besides we all know vampires are not real, and I find the idea of vampires with out weakness far more scary.

Q: Can a vampire breed with a human?

No, not in this AU.

Q: Why do you have the vampires saying oh gods and not oh god?

The vampires I’m writing about live in a polytheism society which means they believe in many gods.

Q: What is a Anton Nor?

A Anton Nor is a fertile who gives them self completely to there mate. It roughly translate as being a slave consort, but a fertile will never be any real danger. Think of it as twenty four seven role play.

Q: Can a vampire fall in love with a human?

I’m thinking it happens but it’s a taboo. A vampire needs a human’s blood to survive, so looking at them as any more then cattle could lead to starvation.

Q: Did you copy Twilight?

How about shut up? Seriously when I started writing I hadn’t even heard of Twilight, let alone copy it. I can see where people got the idea from but no. To be honest I don’t mind, Twilight is a published book so it’s all good.

Any more questions feel free to ask here.
May 8th, 2010 at 03:18am