2010 Elections (UK)

Firstly, if you have no interest in politics don't read on.

Well, that's it, most of the votes have been counted (except one area due to the unfortunate death of a candidate) and we appear to have a hung parliament on our hands. Now we have only three options, a minority Conservative, a Lib-Tory or Lib-Lab government; all of which worry me to an extent.

May I just say that, being 16, I've never been through such political upheaval before and am not sure what to expect. Having come from a very Labour-oriented area I am sceptical of the Conservatives though at this moment in time I've fell out with all politicians but I still feel that Labour is our best chance of dealing with the recession. I have learnt in history that in this situation, the government needs to spend money, the exact opposite of what the Conservatives want to do. Also, the Tories have always been for the upper classes, never the working class like myself.

I feel the government has lost touch with the people of this country, what with the expenses scandal, poor pensions and all that. I just wish I could have voted myself. I know several people who haven't voted and while I understand the apathy, it does annoy me that they haven't used their vote when I'm not even allowed to due to my age.

I was just wondering what others feel about this and if anyone has ever been through a hung parliament before. If I don't reply I apologise in advance as I have yet to sort my account out properly.
May 8th, 2010 at 07:05pm