Senioritis - Dream Drama Away

Long time Yeah. let's just go with that. So, in my everychanging life I want to make a few changes, as Lucy has moved (once again). This time she's in Nebraska - she and her boyfriend are such city people though, it is so funny!

Valerie and Hayden finally met, Valerie was with her boyfriend, Eric, at the time so we all started talking Star Wars, she and I adore the little ewoks! Ironically this was at the Valentine's Dance.

By the way, I am officially going to college after all - I found out a college nearby offers a PhD program in Creative Writing! IN case the random topic-jumping hasn't tipped you off, I'm writing this at 11:30 on a Saturday after getting home from a date with Hayden. We saw the new Iron Man ~ you should watch it! Just be sure to watch the first one before you go, Valerie and I were confused for a good portion of the movie due to our lack of knowlege.

Urgh, cannot wait for school to end - but at the same time I'm really nervous about next year. I'm barely going to know anybody there! (Just so you know, I will keep posting as Senioritis because I didn't post often enough.) I'm going to take a yoga class and a self-defense class this summer, as I am usually stressed and don't trust people. Which is funny when you realize that Hayden and I had known each other not even three days when he asked me out. We ended up going to see the Hangover...Our one year is coming up right after graduation. Not sure if I should be scared or joyous - Very mixed at the moment. My friend Vicki might make it into town for Commencement ~ she'll probably bring her fiance Brian ~ while my friend Dan (who asked me out over a facebook message after prom shortly before I started dating Josh last year) won't make it into town until the next weekend. :(

I miss Vicki, Brian and Dan ~ getting together with them was oodles of fun! I guess that's part of the reason I'm scared. I don't want to leave all my friends. Without them I doubt I'd be who I am. The drama I could live without though.

Ex: Isabella (Izzy) dated a freshman last year by the name of Dan ~ not my Dan who is a year older ~ who everyone calls by his last name: Olsen. Izzy and Olsen had a messy break-up, while they were together they fought most of the time. Well, Izzy doesn't get along with my long-time friend Kaci ~ well, it's more the opposite because (like me) Kaci doesn't trust people easily. A few months ago, Olsen and Kaci started going out - so Izzy and Kaci have been trying to...tolerate each other for his sake. Because after the break up Izzy and Olsen become close friends.
May 9th, 2010 at 06:56am