I figured out what was wrong with me!

I was thinking TOO much about everything!
I just went through my old journal posts and realised I haven't written/ thought like that in a while. I worry about everything I write, how others will perceive it, so much that it's affected my writing ability. And that sucks. I used to just write whatever was on top of my brain and now I'm censoring my own brain spasms for everyone else!
Well bugger that. You can all love it or hate it or not give it a second glance. This is my mind!
I think the main reason is I've matured bucketloads since my last major activity on Mibba, which isn't so much a good thing. I'm in a Peter Pan mindframe where I never want to grow up and lose that part of my brain that's all KITTEHS AND PONIES AND COOKIES AND ARGLE GARBLE FLIGNARG :B
So I'm not looking for any reaction or feedback. This is just a brain spasmFLIGNARG
May 9th, 2010 at 12:34pm