Stories&&Updates on Life.

Dear Readers,

Now I have two sequals up and going! The sequal to I Make Them Good Girls Go Bad and the sequal to Written in Blood!

Dance in the Dark and Written in Poison are very active and I'd really love to hear more comments no matter what they be.

Good comments I always love to hear, they make me want to update(:
Bad comments..well, some are just good critisism which I accept and like to see what you think(:
But anything really bad ticks me off and I will hunt you down and bite you dead(: Hahaa.

I also have a new story up, Angel of Darkness, which is a crossover of Yu-Gi-Oh, Naruto, Vampire Diaries, and Vampire Academy. I don't know why but I think Vampire Knight is in there too..not sure. Haha.

As for Whispers in the Dark, I really can't tell you when I'll update that one. I'm drawing total blanks for that now.

And Royal Love, me and Raina have total writer's block.

Hm..what else is there...Oh! Bloody Kisses! Yeah that's pretty random so can't really tell you much on that, sorry. I'll update whenever I can but I can't tell you about the others. If you'd like to contribute, I'm sure we can take a couple other writers in there. Just make sure you know what to do. And if you do want to join, just message one of us and we may put you up(:

Well, I think that's about it for my stories so now onto my life. You can stop reading here if you like, I just feel like getting things out. lol.

Okay, remember that guy I told you about? Yeah, we ended up dating..for two meaninless weeks. He dumped me first period on April 16th I think? Yeah, what a loser. Haha.

We're still friends, but I'm begining to realize how annoying he really can be.

Now we're more like brother-sister. Long story. Haha.

Raina has happily been in a great relationship for what..six months now? She's got a great guy. And another one of my very close friends (who shall remain unnamed for the time being) has gotten a boyfriend as well now. Now it's just me left. *pouts*

Haha, but I'm fine. There's this one kid that likes me..but I don't like him enough to date him and I don't want to lead him on. I think being single is fun(:

I'll just start complaining to my friends soon enough ;D haha.

Hm..what else..oh, school's almost over! Whoo!

And Ashiee, welcome back to the land of the writers! Hahaa. If you haven't already, check out her story Animal I have become. Damon Salvatore-Twilight mix, really great. I promise you that.

And another one of my favourite Damon Salvatore stories, Say You Remember Me, sequal to Say You Love Me Damon Salvatore by xXBrokenXxStringsXx (Hannah). She's a great writer, but I warn you, the sequal is slightly confusing at the moment. But she says it's supposed to be that way for now and it'll make sense soon enough.

Who can blame her? I've done that too. Hahaa.

Keep it up girls, and update soon or I'll hunt you down! Hahaa.

I think that's about bye for now guys(:

May 9th, 2010 at 11:38pm