Life After Death

My Theory On The After Life

They always say, “One person dies, and another is born”. Well, that is what I believe in my theory. I think that after a person dies, all your memories from your past life disappear, and you can’t remember anything. Then, you go into the body of a newborn baby when it is being born, and that is your new life.
I think that after you die, you have the choice to either go to Heaven, or live another life as a human. Animals go back to being animals, and we go back to being humans. So, if you choose to go to Heaven, that’s where you go. But personally, I’d much rather live another life, even if I couldn’t remember my old one.
So, you are reborn as another person, but your characteristics are still with you, but not your memories of other lives you’ve lived. So if you like writing, you’d be a good writer. If you were athletic, you’d be athletic again. If you loved music, you would again. If you lived through the Civil War you will have an interest in it. If you lived through the Titanic, same thing.
I think I lived through the Titanic in one of my past lives, and I was a writer, since I love writing now. Or maybe I was a philosopher since I like making up things about life. What I think might not be true, but hey, God and Heaven may not be true. I hope they are, though. No living person will ever know whether bad people go to Hell, and good people go to Heaven. The Devil might not exist and neither will God. But hopefully God does.
I don’t want anyone to bash me for having beliefs, because that’s just who I am. I believe in what I want, despite what others want me to believe. What I’m saying could be true for all we know, and it also could not. Life is a gift, and I think you shouldn’t waste it, regardless if you get the chance to live again. Maybe I just think this because I don’t want my life to end.
No, I don’t want to say that I don’t care if I live or die, because I do. I am just saying, that if I die tomorrow, I’ll be okay with that. I haven’t gotten to live out my whole life, but if God thinks it’s my time, then I will respect his/her decision. I do believe in God, but I also believe there’s a choice for an after life. I could be wrong about afterlife’s, too. Maybe there isn’t one. Maybe it just…ends.
May 10th, 2010 at 10:33pm