
I think parents forget that we're still teenagers; not adults, not parents, teenagers. And right now, at this moment, its all we know how to be. We go to school and they go to work, no one is not easier than the other, its takes its toll on both parties, and to do both, its a miracle they can actually do well on anything. I'm exhausted, I've been doing this shit for too long and its different everyday, something new every year. Parents don't grasp that concept because now they've been at work for way too long doing the same shit most of the time. Cooperating with each other gets tough, and sometimes I don't even want to try. I blow up now instead of being quite and keeping my mouth shut, I'm tired of freaking everything! That didn't help a lot. Thanks for bothering to read this.
May 11th, 2010 at 12:16am