Fan Fiction - Want (PS: CAKE!)

So I like fan fiction. I used to hate it and think it was the devil incarnate (not really, but I did think it was terribly lame), but now I quite like it (although I'm still anti-bandfic).

Anyway, I just read a really good L4D fan fiction on FF.Net, and now I want more. I want to write a few more, but I've been busy lately so for now I just want to read some.


I want you guys, you Mibbians, to suggest some fan fictions for me. They can be on Mibba, off Mibba, whatever. As long as I don't have to register a new account to read it.

- My favorite fandoms are Harry Potter, Batman, Sherlock Holmes, 9, and Left 4 Dead.

- I don't mind slash. In fact, I love slash. The more the merrier. I prefer man-slash, because I like man-slash, but if you've got an absolutely amazing femme-slash you think I would like, feel free to suggest it.

- It either has to be incredibly good or incredibly bad. I will not settle for any grey areas. Grey areas bore me.

- I do, in fact, love bad fan fiction. It can be the remedy for a bad day. I like My Immortal, legalus by laura, a sad story, Imma Wiserd type crap. The more spelling errors the better.

- However, I love good fan fiction as well. I like work that is unique and different. I don't want to read the same old fluffy puppyship story. I like stories in the perspectives of villainous or lesser characters, or AUs. Or even something very simple, but with amazing writing talent. Make it a special story.

- No PWP please. Unless it's gut-wrenching, ridiculous, other-the-top stupid IKEA porn, I don't want to read porn.

- However, if you've got a really kinky Harley/Joker one... well, maybe I'll read that. ;)

- That's about it in regards to rules....

So hop to it.

In return for your brave services, I will give you cake.


It is totally not a lie or anything... I swear.

*shifty eyes*
May 11th, 2010 at 03:10am