Update in my life

Well, Junior Prom was cancelled because of the fact that not enough people bought tickets. My mom said she'd make it up to me by buying me an iPOD. My mom shouldn't buy me anything for something that wasn't her fault! It was my goddamn classmates faults! It they were not a bunch of cheap asses, we'd of still had prom!

I was also supposed to go to Jersey this weekend with my friend, Zhahira, but we don't have enough money. My mom had to get her car repaired, and I'm not mad at her. That stupid car(a 2003 Dodge Durango)has been a problem for her since 2 years after she bought it. I definitely know we're heading down for Memorial Day weekend. I just gotta check with Z's mom and see if she can go than.

Good new for me: sunburn's completely gone! It was driving me mad because I could not sleep properly without waking up in the middle of the night in pain. Now I can go back to 8 complete hours of sleep without pain!

I'm in my Ag. class right now, bored out of my mind. Mrs.Macatamity(my Ag. teacher from 9th[1st term]and 10th grade[2nd term])was looking over my shoulder looking at what I was typing. She said she finds this website impressive with people expressing themselves through their writings. I explained to her about how it was originally blocked from the School District's computers, but recently unblocked(whoever did get it unblocked, I thank you a million. No Mibba makes Riannon a grumpy bitch).

Well, That's all I got to say for now. I'll post again from either the school computer or from my computer at home soon.
May 11th, 2010 at 06:26pm