
knife fighting
trick skiing
martial arts (check martial arts notepad)
possibly art
dream interpretation
handwriting analysis
possibly broadway
enlighten in mechanics
body language
full 4 years of espanol
psychology (check psychology folder)
cognitive psychology specifically
computers and software/harware
basiscs of IT
world religions
ancient mythology
speed swiming
masseuse in general
better @ chess

read bible more often
lose weight until i'm at 90lbs
learn more nickelback songs
go joggin MUCH more often
stop acting sum1 who i ain't
find new netbook
analyze relationship w/ God
catch up w/ Cy
get through finals with all A's
tell Mr. Reedy that i like his teaching skills/sarcasmXD
help grandma & grandpa & dad
check out the requirements for graduation
research on Mr. harris' page w/ all the good links
Abortion speech: link it to me since China has lots of'em,
i could have died, link conscious (morals), explain what abortionists do in detail
remind them of the Silent Cry
May 12th, 2010 at 06:29am