What Defines beauty?

having beauty; having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or mind

Today When I was at a park behind my house. I couldn’t help, but notice a little girl crying. Not one of the kids there decided to go and help her. I sat down next to her under the tree and asked her why she was crying. She looked at me and started to cry even more.
Her face was red and blotchy like she had been there for a while. Her words came out like sobs, but I still understand them perfectly.
“They called me ugly, and disgusting,” she said. I thought this through and really looked at her. Those words really stung me. What if I was called that?
So, I replied to her and told her she was beautiful, on the inside and out. Her crying stopped, and she asked me if I meant it. Which I really did. I nodded, and she wiped away her tears, and a smile grew on her face, but then it faded.
“they called me ugly, and disgusting ,” she repeated, and it stung, yet again. I told her the same thing, and added something to cheer her up, like maybe they like you that’s why they’re making fun of you. She smiled and laughed, and that just made my whole day.

What is Beauty?

To me it’s what’s on the inside, and not the out. Today I realized most people judge by looks whether they like it or not, they still do, hell, I even do. I don’t mean to, but it happens. It sometimes may cross my mind. I thought the kids who were hurting that girl were the ugly, and disgusting ones. They didn’t realize her beauty, and to me she was a lost beautiful little girl, sure she may have had her flaws, but on the inside she was flawless.

We all have flaws, but we can’t let that bring us down, and get into our insides, or let it lead to eating disorders, or any other type of thing.

It hurts to watch, but most of all it hurts to be called ugly. Everyone is beautiful to someone.

So you tell me what defines Beauty?

Your Hair?

The Color of Eyes?

The shape of your body?

Your Skin?

Or is it really your personality?

* If you really think otherwise. Then please tell me what you think, nicely. These are my opinions if you think so too. Then please tell me.
May 12th, 2010 at 11:55pm