Hey Everyone !
My Mibba account is now finally getting underway:) How exciting!
So now onto the purpose of this journal, to get you all updated :)

I got braces on Monday :'( I feel terrible, almost like my teeth are about to fall right out of my head. It makes my already crooked teeth look 10X worse - booooo.

On the brighter side of things though, I have started a collab. with whereforeartthou-xo (if I knew how to link to her page I would ... sorrrry, I'm such a n00b). It is based of The Vampire Diaries. If you aren't a vamp fan, my apologies. But for those of you who are, make sure you check it out once it is posted.

Anywho, I'm off for now. Time to write ;D

Catch you on the flip side
xo dani
May 13th, 2010 at 07:45am