I Really Wish...

I really wish I didn't act on impulse so much.

I thought this change would be better, but it's only worse.

I just wish I could fast forward to the future.

Then maybe I'll be able to actually do what I've been planning to do since forever, not just sitting here wasting time and hoping school goes by faster.

Then again, I get the feeling that maybe I should drop out of school altogether.
I mean it's not like I have any desire to go to college.

My dreams consist of doing so much more, than becoming a lawyer or doctor.

I want something that's not ordinary. Something different.

Music of course is a one in a million chance, but perhaps I could be that person who could make it.

I feel stuck on my own, since no one could understand what exactly I"m talking about. It's been like this since forever.

I want to break away from everything and just begin my actual life. Going places, traveling, meeting new people. Not stuck here in this damn place where everyone annoys the shit out of me. I'm not one of them, and I won't be treated like one of them.

Perhaps one day, this will all get better time.

Perhaps one day I'll flee the country and go somewhere where nobody knows me and yes, start completely over.

Maybe I'll go to Japan...it seems lovely there.
May 14th, 2010 at 01:27am