I need to be in a "writing mood"

Does anyone else feel this way?

I have this mood, where I'm like absolutely focused in writing and imagining scenes in my head. But when I'm not, I can't seem to write a chapter. This is not a good thing because it's kind of "rare" these days for me to get into this "writing mood."

Oh, and I hate it when I suddenly have this huge writers' spark, and I start writing, then I lose inspirations after a chapter or two. I think I have like 10 incomplete drafts in my account right now, it's kind of annoying.

Anyways, I so wish I'm in a writing mood right now. I could use a good one because I haven't been updating my stories in like, forever. I feel like giving them up but it's hard to let go when I've wrote so much already.

Okay, well, that was my little something for the day. ;)
May 14th, 2010 at 05:24am