Well, here we are.

So, I'm new here.

I'm excited... This is my first journal on mibba.

It's too bad I can't access mibba at my school.

If I could, I totally would be adding new chapters way more often.

Anyway, so I figure, since it's a journal, I'll talk about my day today first.

I did not have a good day.

First hour class, we were using my laptop to play the movie we were watching.

My computer kept freezing and was going extremely slow.

Finally, it worked and I cheered.

My teacher, Mr B, goes "Well, it's about time."

Well, I sarcastic by nature and so my first instinct was to say "Hey, shut up!"

As soon as I said it, I wished I could catch and eat my words before they reached Mr B's ears.

He gave me this glare and said "Get out."

I can never tell when he's joking so I kinda half smirked.

He didn't appreciate that either.

He went "I'm not even joking, get outside, I wanna talk to you."

So, I went outside.

He comes out, with the checklist, writing me up, and says "What did you say?"

"Shut up...?" I answered timidly.

"To me?" he snapped.

I just nodded, not wanting to make the matter worse.

"Yeah, I'm writing you up."

After that statement, I was thinking "NO FREAKING DUH!"

He finished and turns to me again and says "You don't talk to me like that, I'm not your friend. You're gonna apologize to me in front of the class."

So, we go back inside and the movies playing loudly and he goes back to his desk.

I just kinda yelled "I'm sorry" over the noise.

Well, then, half way through the movie he goes “Stradley, come here.”

So I did. and he’s mumbling shit about the checklist and I couldn’t understand him until he says “Do I need to turn this in?”

Well, obviously, I say “no, sir.”

He’s like “ok, go sit down. And after the movie you are going to give me an apology in front of the class when it’s quiet.”

I just nodded and went back to my desk.

Then at the end of class, this pissed me off the most, he has the nerve to come up to me and say "Hey, Stradley, you understand why I had to do that, right?"

I wanted to say 'NO! EXPLAIN IT TO ME!'

But I just nodded.

And so he’s like “we cool?”

I was thinking “oh FUCK NO! douchebag!"

But i gave him a halfhearted high five anyway.

And as we’re walking out, he’s tearing up the checklist!

Oh my God, he's so bipolar!

Then in my next class, I found out that while I was trying to back up to a flashdrive yesterday, I accidentally deleted EVERYTHING except my civics folder and my english folder!!!!

Then I went on tumblr, a blogging website, to try and cheer up.

I noticed that I'd lost 3 followers.

Yeah, I've just had SUCH a great day!
May 14th, 2010 at 05:50am