Sexuality Frustrations

So I have recently been struggling with my sexuality. I might be bisexual, but I'm not sure. I seem to be leaning more towards a yes I am. I think the reason I'm having such a hard time with it is cause I don't know many other bi, or lesbian people to talk to about it. I feel a bit lost. I mean one of my older sisters is bisexual, but I feel uncomfortable talking to her about it. I feel like I can't talk to my mom about it, she kinda got mad at my sister for it when she first told her. There fine now, I think it was mostly the shock factor. Either way it make's it harder for me to talk to her about it. I wish I had someone I could really talk to about it, that way I could work everything out. I feel like I'm all alone, I know that I'm not, but I can't seem to shake the feeling that I am. Sometimes I just want to lock myself in my room, and not come out or let anyone in. I feel like I have to keep everything I'm feeling locked up all the time, and I have no one to talk to and no where to turn. Maybe some day thing's will all work out, and I really hope they do.
May 14th, 2010 at 06:56am