Iced Cap Supremes & Cliffhangers

Hello Everyone!

I`m here with a few updates on my incredibly boring/uneventful life!
I am Canadian & therefore have a Tim Hortons available anytime I desire. If you don't live in Canada and haven't had the chance to experience Tim Hortons then you won't understand the following statement (I'm Sorry). There is nothing like beginning the summer season off with a Mint Chocolate Iced Cap Supreme .. yummmmm!

My friends just got back from their trip to Cuba, so tonight was our little 'coffee' date we arranged to catch up. It was great to see them since we've been seperated since September :(

In other boring news, the season finales of The Vampire Diaries was on tonight. OMGOSH.
Holy cliffhanger! I won't get into any details so I don't spoil it on anyone, but it was so good! It took forever to load on my computer, but it was definitely well worth the wait. I don't think I will make it until the next season starts x[

Update on the TVD fanfic: whereforeartthou-xo is currently working on Chapter 1. I am working on chapter 2 and I have a little over 2 pages finished - I am SUPER psyched to get it posted. I haven't had the chance to write like this in a long time - hurrah for writing ;p

Anyways, I believe I have bored you all enough for one night.
Like I've said already, check back for the fanfic if you love The Vampire Diaries
Peace out homies

xo dani
May 14th, 2010 at 08:16am