It's Been Awhile..

Hiya :]

Well it's has been awhile since i've written on here and I have a lot of news.
But how is everyone??
Because I'm actually alright, so I hope the rest of you are great,
And if not, that's what journals are for right?

A lot has been happening in school.
We had our sports tournament a few weeks ago and of course I didn't do it x]
But I did get to be a reporter which was cool.
I met this guy there of course. He was pretty cool.
But I made heaps of new mates. All were guys because for some reason I just don't connect with girls the same ya know.

On the night before the other schools left, we had a social. Which meant that I got to wear my new pretty dress. It was just so much fun though. I didn't dance with anyone specifically, just with a group. That group just happened to include the guy. Typical of me, to like someone without really knowing them. But there was another guy. I didn't like him but he liked me. He got my number off my mate, who he stayed with. He texted me and asked me to go to the social with him but I said no.

I avoided him the whole night because it was just so awkward. When it finished at 11pm, my friend Emily and I left the hall and started walking to the classrooms and lockers to collect our bags. The guy who liked me, his names James, he attacked t my friend and I with lime fizzy drink. I had a mental at him. He went on about how he was sorry and then he asked if he would get that kiss that he said he should get through texting. I said no but hugged him. He then used one of the most stupidest pick up lines and I left. So yeah. that was tournament.

I've started taking piano lessons which is pretty cool. I've learnt a bit but my teacher, Nic, is still only teaching me chords, which is frustrating but I guess I'll get to the melody and stuff eventually.

Something related to music. Ben Campbell from the former New Zealand bands Zed and Atlas came to our school because he was staying at the camp there for a bit and a boy from my class organised it because his family owns the camp. Ben came and took two lessons about song writing. My age group he took had only five of us in it but we managed to write a really good song before the two lessons were over. It was actually a really good song and we got to record it with him. It was only Ben playing guitar and the rest of us singing along with him but still. He said that he would record it on the laptop so we could have a copy of it.

Anyway will write more later.
May 15th, 2010 at 12:23am