I Want Us to Have a Happy Ending

Ummm. Hi. haha ok, so i have this bf who i think might be kinda bi-polar. But we don't really know.

So, he's fine most of the time, not complaining, being happy, etc. But then one day about every other week he gets depressed. It's usually about me not really wanting to go out. I can't say that's not true, because i am the stay at home type. I'm too lazy to make an effort to make plans. Even my best friends know that.

But he's the opposite. He likes to go out anywhere. Long distance places, parties, movies, uptown. Most are things i'm not really used to because my parents are overprotective and barely let me go out. So i'm really limited in my fun time.

Anyways, he gets into a bad mood with me, makes me feel like crap, and says we might be done, but he's not sure. Every time. And i'm tired of having to shed tears over and over again. Now it's to a point where i don't even feel like crying at all. He's said it so many times, that now i'm making like an emergency escape plan of where else to hang out at school.

I really don't want for us to end.. But he's making it seem like it's coming close.

He's not a bad guy though. He's one of the good guys in disguise. He respects me. Is honest with me. And makes it clear that he loves me. I could never ask for anything more, but to take his nightmares away. Maybe then we can have a happy ending.
May 16th, 2010 at 08:21am