Crawl down dead lovers' lane, the maze of memories stained, embrace the pain again, and lose yourself alone in the dark.

Wow. I haven't been on here in quite some time. Glad to see it hasn't changed too much. Must say I have fallen in love with H.I.M. all over again at the moment

My life has been rather hectic lately. Been working full time and spending my weekends out and about, trying to keep up with all the different groups of friends. It's harder and more time consuming than I thought it would be. My average week currently goes along these lines.
Tuesday- Friday 7am to 3:30pm = work which means leaving home at 5am to get there on time and getting home at around 5pm
Saturday 7:45am to 4:15/5:15pm = work again leaving home around 6:30am and getting home 5/6pm. Then generally a party or town afterwards with work mates - ending in sleep at about 5am
Sunday Generally get woken at around 7-8am by my parents to go shopping, then spend the morning cleaning my room. Afternoon/night is spent with mates catching up and whatnot.
Monday Visiting day, Monday is the day where I drive an hour to see my coach and her baby every couple of weeks, where I visit Daniel every week after work so 3:30pm-ish, and movie nights with Sean and occasionally Daniel, ending at around 11pm ish.

This routine however combined with vegetarianism is reaking havoc on my body and I am constantly exhausted continuously. I just don't want to miss out on any aspect of my life, and balancing the 3 groups of mates is getting harder to do. Especially when they all live in completely different areas.

I am eating far too much junk food and gaining weight due to not exercising which has therefore got me freaking out again. However we are doing a biggest loser competition at work, that I will participate in and hopefully get back to a kinder figure. I am also going to start skating again at some point, hopefully soon. I've decided I do not want to let my 12 years of complete dedication and training go out the window. I am going to sit my coaching exams and begin to coach as well, just to stay involved.

Then theres the boy dramas on top of everything already going on. Sean admitted he likes me, like really likes me last week. I think I like him but we have also been friends for 8 years and I just don't think I could risk throwing it all away if something turns out badly. It also didn't help that the night before this revelation RyRy (one of my workmates) took me out clubbing and then tried to kiss me. Woohoo hot boy trying to kiss me is wonderful and all, but it just makes me unsure of everything. I don't think I'm leading him on, but maybe I'm wrong I wouldn't want to hurt him though. So no idea what to do in those situations, though Sean hasn't txted me in days whereas RyRy has been txting me nearly every night.

Argh. Off to do some more thinking I suppose, thats my chaotic life at the moment for you anyway, if anyone has suggetions about what to do with silly boys let me know yeah?

Much Love,

R.I.P. Grnaddad, Nan and Tenga - You are forever embedded in my thoughts and dreams, I know you are always watching over me. Please help me make the right decisions ??
May 16th, 2010 at 11:23am