
This kid's video made me cry, so I thought I should share it with you guys.

For those of you who don't know the definition of Transgender, let me clarify a few things:

Definition: A transgender person is someone whose personal idea of gender does not correlate with his or her assigned gender role.

Sexual Orientation: The thing with gender and sexuality is that they are two completely different things. Just because one's an FTM transgender or vice versa doesn't mean that they are automatically expected to be a straight male, for example. That same transgender could be interested in women, men, both, neither, kinky, vanilla, top, bottom, whichever.

Usually people who are attracted to women prior to transition continue to be attracted to women after transition, and people who are attracted to men prior to transition continue to be attracted to men after transition. That means, for example, that a biologic male who is attracted to females will be attracted to females after transitioning, and she may regard herself as a lesbian.

I have so many transgender friends who are struggling all the time. Most of them are very young, too. It must be difficult to be misunderstood, especially with all the criticism and questions about gender.

There is no one generally accepted explanation for why some people are transgender. The diversity of transgender expression argues against any simple or unitary explanation. Many experts believe that biological factors such as genetic influences and prenatal hormone levels, early experiences in a person’s family of origin, and other social influences can all contribute to the development of transgender behaviors and identities.

Most of these young teenagers often resort to suicide. With society always questioning their gender, they begin to believe that they are better off dead. Almost all transgendered people I know are SO talented, kindhearted, and friendly.... it just breaks my heart to live in a world filled with ignorant people who ruin so many dreams.

It must be horrible to have to explain which gender you are when someone asks, "Not to be rude... but are you a guy or a girl?" And it must be humiliating and upsetting to say that you are a "GIRL" or a "BOY" whether you consider yourself the opposite gender. To those who are having similar struggles, please keep your head up. This world would not be the same without you. Someday, you will be able to look back after transitioning and say, "I came this far and I'm glad I made it." You'll feel accomplished.

May 17th, 2010 at 12:30am