Antidepressants In Teens

For my college English class I been researching about how Antidepressants affect teens. In my opinion antidepressants aren't really the answer. I have been doing my research and coming across really good information that is for and also against my topics but its really surprising how people view it. I just want to talk to someone about what they think of them. Kind of having a little debate about it. All this idea came across because I did a paper back in high school about the Columbine High School shooting and as I was researching one of the "causes" of the shooting was about them being depress and under antidepressants. Turns out after more research it had nothing to do with it. Still if left me interested in all this antidepressants issue and I wanted to know other people's point of view. So if you want to comment about it I'll appreciate it.
May 17th, 2010 at 12:57am