Diary of an Army Wife 1

So as I put in my profile I'm an army wife and right now as I type my husband is in Afghanistan. He had one month with me after about five in AIT (school). And then he had to leave for another six. Its extremely hard I'm not gonna lie about that. So I have decided once aday or atleast a couple times a week Im gonna write an entry. In them my punctuation will be lacking and maybe even my spelling. I just want people to understand it all and if they do maybe they just need to know somebody gets it.
I hope I can shed light on things. Its not that I disagree with the war. Or that I believe Bush was an idiot. I believe he did what he could with the cards he was handed. And I will always support the troops. They support our freedoms. I mean all of these people that hate military make me laugh. They dont see that its the people they hate that give them that right. The right to simply disagree and hate things like this. People around the world would do anything for that. So back on topic I understand why hes gone and I can't do anything about it. But anyone that has dealt with the same thing will understand also. I wish he was home so he could annoy the crap outta me like normal. I wish with all my heart I was nagging at him about cleaning up after himself. And I hope with every breath I take he'll come home whole and safe. Because if he doesnt then I have no idea what I would do.
I've realized that you all are looking at this with all my I and me crap. He's the one in real danger. I know this but honestly this is my theraputic diary. Its gonna be about me. He'll be thrown in of course but this is my coping mechanism. If you don't like it don't read. If you do Im honored. I'll more tomorrow night til then please enjoy what youv'e got.

May 17th, 2010 at 05:43am