Does anyone else find this selfish...?

Erm, well, I realize I'm only sixteen and probably have no clue about what I'm talking about right now. I'm just saying how I percieve things, and am just wondering if anyone else has ever felt the same way about it. I'm not usually this straightforward with my opinions, but here goes...

You know how in all those stories, or in real life, unrequited feelings is a major theme? When the object of the persona's affection is already in a committed relationship? It seems to be an undercurrent that runs through both fiction and reality.

Which is usually followed by an epic confession scene.

Which brings me to my question - does anyone else find this selfish?

Admitting romantic feelings to someone while they are already in a relationship, that is. All it seems to do is cause the other person emotional distress, something you would not want to do to them. If you really care about someone, wouldn't it be better to just hold your tongue? Why impose your feelings when it's only going to cause trouble for them?

Sure, it might cause heartache. But wouldn't it be worth it? I mean, they would be happy, and you could still stay by their side.

At least, this is just the way I see it.

May 17th, 2010 at 06:03am