Listen to your Daddy

Boys DO have cooties and only want to break your heart.

I think my heart has had a large rock thrown at it. It hurts. Crushes suck.

You think they like you, then after a year they drop you for one of your good friends who knows that you like the guy.

One awkward question later you find out that she likes him too……..

After crying your eyes out you decide he didn’t actually like you and that you want her to be happy. Unfortunately with him.

You feel repulsed by the site of him. Especially when their together, but you put on your happy face and fake it.

Slowly healing your broken heart, sitting and waiting for your real prince charming to come along.

Hoping that one day he’ll find you and sweep you off your feet.

Metaphorically speaking of course………….
May 17th, 2010 at 03:57pm