Diary of an Army Wife 2

So waiting on the phone to ring or an im to pop up is completely awful. The phone is like a torture device. You stare at it for hours and keep it attached to the hip. But you'll do it cause the possiblilty to talk to him is worth it. those 10 minutes on the phone never last long enough. But you'll cherish every second because thats all you have. An IM is great to get but its not the same just cause you cant hear there voice.
I'd give anything to hear his voice right before bed at night so I could settle. It's always harder at night. Your all by yourself in a big bed that you normally only have like a foot in because he takes up the whole thing. It makes you feel more alone than you really are. Sure I have a overly talkitive little cat but I still get lonely.
At least now a days it's easier for them to be able to call. A few years ago it wouldnt have been so easy. Troops called whenever they could you never knew when. It would be in the middle of the night or uber early in the morning. Now atleast I know when he'll call me. Or atleast a round about time.
All I know that this right now is mental torture. Staring at the phone waiting for the ring.

May 17th, 2010 at 06:08pm