last breath

was siting there my arms side by side my body put on hold for called me i answered. i new you were sad the second I started talking to you. "Whats wrong? honey are you crying?" i asked. "Steff? I cant take this I cant take the way I'm treated i cant take the way i feel about my self. "What happened honey?" "Everything. I cant do anything right even when I try I just cant. They tell me I'm worth less and stupid. And that I need to move back with my mom.. Steff my mom wont take me NO one will I've called and asked everybody i have no idea what to do... What should I do?"
It went silent the only sounds were the sounds of my sweet heart, my best friend my life crying her eyes out. "Ill see what I can do but listen you are NOT worthless and you are NOT stupid okay if they don't realize how special you really are then that's there fault I'm always going to be there for you no matter how hard life gets... I love you okay
May 17th, 2010 at 08:08pm