I'm pretty positive everyone else on this side of the globe feels the same way.

I really don't want to take exams, just because all it does is stress you out because you forgot something you learns four friggin months ago!

And the teachers are all freaking out being like "I can't teach you 18 weeks worth of information in two days."

And they're telling you how important it all is.

No pressure right?

Yeah, none at all, except, you know, it'll be on your transcript, so even though it's freshman year, the colleges will be able to say "Well, Caroline got a D on her algebra final. We're just not gonna take her."

We're all at the breaking point and they still give us more homework and tests and TEACH until we have TWO FRIGGIN DAYS to make study guides and prepare for seven exams.

Yeah, thanks for the preparation.

Ugh! I hate school.

I at least wish I could drive and had a car so I could go straight home from school, or go to CC's or something to study and prepare and stuff.

Can't wait until driver's ed next year.

Well, scratch that, I can't wait until my friends all get cars so THEY can bring me somewhere to study and then I won't be a lone loser, sitting at a coffee shop, not drinking coffee.

I'm really starting to miss the years before high school.

Anyone with me on that one?

Anyway, I joined a free organization that's trying to help change the world.

I really like their motives and I respect what they're trying to do.

I really think we should all try to get involved with this.

Here's the link : http://www.itstartswith.us/

I hope you all can join.

I haven't gotten my first mission yet, but it's supposed to only take like 15 minutes a day, once per week.

And most of the stuff only costs a few minutes of your time and maybe the cost of a stamp or so.

If any of you join, let me know if we're on the same team (Team A)!

Well, back to studying, bye yall.

Good luck those of you with exams.

Good luck with whatever you're all doing.

Love you,

May 18th, 2010 at 04:19am