Diary of an Army Wife 3

Sending boxes to your loved ones overseas is pretty important. Especially to them. My husband tells everyone he doesnt need anything but honestly its just nice to get something. Even if you don't need it. The one thing he constantly asks for is toilet paper. Yeah your reading right. He wants some soft toilet paper. Dont worry I find that funny too. :)
I told my parents to send like junk food stuff or something like that. Once he heard that you know what he did. He yelled at me. I laughed my butt off. He was going on about how he is trying to lose weight and junk food isnt helpful and blah blah blah. I dont blame him though Im tryin to lose a little bit too.
But anyways I don't understand people that cant send there soldiers a box. Send them crap or some old pictures. Anything will mean the world to them. Six months to a year or so away from your loved ones makes the littlest thing from home mean the world. I mean me and my husband have a practice of sending my stuffed penguin named waddles to where ever he is. I sent it to AIT and he brought it back. Now its going to go to Afghanistan. I think everyone should have something kinda like that. Something to remind you of home no matter where your at and that can just go every where you go.
So the moral of this story sending things is like one of the most helpful things you can do when there so far away...

May 19th, 2010 at 04:09am