"'Homosexual' is so eighties," and other stories

So I just finished spring semester, and my best guess as to my grades goes like so: Intro to Business - B, Business Law - A, Computerized Accounting - A (actually, I know this one for a fact because she posts all our grades online). I win at life.

Meanwhile, G is getting back into theater, and she's been cast as Fabian in Twelfth Night. (She wants me to tell you all that this is where you can find all the necessary information as to where and when you can come see her, and also, it's free and you should come.) I've been drafted as the assistant stage manager, which basically means I help make sure nobody misses their cue.

Our Orsino is a little bit scared of me, not that he doesn't deserve to be -- I went to the car for cream soda a couple of rehearsals ago, and I came back to overhear him saying to G, "so you're homosexual." (If you don't get why this is problematic -- if you have a significant other of the opposite sex, imagine showing up with your SO to your workplace, which happens to be composed mostly of queer people, and having one of your co-workers randomly demand you define your sexuality in the midst of a more or less normal workday. "So you're heterosexual." The main difference being that if you're queer, you get this *a lot*.)

Naturally, I called him on it in the most obnoxious possible way -- "'Homosexual' is so eighties," pitched to carry to most of the backstage crowd. Orsino looked uncomfortable, which was my goal, and Toby laughed and asked what the twenty-first century term was. I shrugged and said "gay". Then G, being lovely and much more willing than I to forgive some pretty blatant displays of privilege, carried on explaining that "gay" covers me, but not her, and she generally says "queer" but the most exact term is "polysexual".

Most of the cast is lovely, though, and according to G, a couple of the women have decided I need to be taken under their collective wing. (I'm not a theater person -- this is not something theater people as a population tend to really get. *g*)

Oh, yeah, and we all have to move for various reasons! Me because my roommate is going to Egypt for the summer, and G because her landlord told her they had to get rid of the birds (in three days, nonetheless) or be evicted. Yeah... we chose eviction. So we're looking for a house in the city, preferably one with hardwood floors -- two of the three of us have dust allergies. It's an adventure!
May 19th, 2010 at 11:05am