A Dweeb's Guide to Writing

So, I deleted my previous journal posts that were mostly full of nonsense and decided to write at least something sensible.

Hello there, fellow dweebs! My name is Rapture and Roses here in Mibba (Yeah, like DUH) but sure, you can address me as Ciara or CK or whatever you want to call me, but make sure it's not offensive and crap like that.

Anyway, enough blabbering.

I'm here, obviously, to give you advice on writing stories -- not necessarily consistent but it does work for me, so yeah, it's up to you if you're gonna believe me -- and stuff like that.

Below is a numeric list of the things I do. So read on, dweeb.

1.) Keep a handy-dandy...notebook.

Okay, I know what you're probably thinking, "OMG Blues Clues?" Ha-ha. No ship. Anyway. Of course you should first organize your ideas on a piece of paper rather than facing the computer screen because a.) you're wasting electricity and b.) the internet poses many distractions, like Facebook, Twitter, Gaming sites, etc etc, which used to HAPPEN to me all the time, and I tell ya, I never got things done.

When inspiration suddenly hits you, do not waste time. Write it down on your notebook! Why? Because inspiration strikes like thunder. Don't wait for your computer to open, dammit! Write it all. If you don't have pen and paper, then that shizz sucks. Does your cellphone have a recorder? If yes, RECORD it, even if it sounds gay.

2. Keep the ideas flowing. Stop being such a perfectionist for a while.

So, what exactly do I mean by that? I mean that you should write and write and write, but do not overkill yourself. You can do the changes, editing, revision later. That works fine for me, and doesn't necessarily consume more time.

3. Avoid rock music, please?

Honestly, I'm a fan of punk rock, deathcore, alternative, screaming stuff, and shizz like that, but I tell you, rock may be blocking the world out, but it also blocks the flow of your thoughts. I don't know with you guys, but rock does that to me. As much as possible, avoid that.

And no, I'm not telling you to listen to Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus while you're writing. Save your ears. You'll need it.

4. When Writer's block hits you, don't sulk in a corner.

Calm down! Writer's block isn't the end of your writing hobby. Try looking out your window for a while cause it helps -- I know it's weird but it works for me; I'm not telling you that it will work for you a hundred percent so don't curse me-- and just watch whatever you see. If you don't want to be all emo, turn the tv on and watch. Pay attention to what you are watching and describe what you see. If you find something useful, an idea will eventually pop into your head, and make you go bye bye Writer's block.

5. Not all of us are gifted with the hands of Da vinci/Picasso/etc etc, so when it comes to Character Sketching, you don't necessarily need to grab a sketchbook.

Want to create your protagonists, antagonists, supporting characters, extra people, significant whatevers, bratatat? Look at google images. Find people. Write their descriptions on a piece of paper and change what you want/need to change. Real-life human references aren't bad as long as you don't make it obvious that it's them and write something offensive. Like duh, you could be sued. Anyyyyyway.

If you don't want to do that, you can always do the 'Info technique'

YOU: What the hell is the Info technique blah blah blah.
ME: Well, my dear, it's like writing on an autograph book, except that you're filling up the questions using your character.

Example of it would be:


....and the list goes on bratatatat.

6. Do not write when you're angry.

It's pretty obvious why you shouldn't. As much as possible, write when you're happy but not all too giddy giddy. Because if you are too happy and in a trance, you'll end up writing unrealistic, unicorn love stuff. Meh.

7. Eat while you're writing.

Eating gives energy, DUH. Especially chocolates. Nom nom. You won't get fat, because obviously you should consume food moderately. I'm not telling you to empty the damn refrigerator cause your mom might kill me.

8. If you want to write something extremely unique, break all the rules.

And no, GRAMMAR is not involved. Grammar is very important. When I say break the rules, I mean don't follow the general formats, blah blah blah. You know what I mean? If you don't, message me (although it's pretty obvious)


That's taboo, man. Number 9 is the most important advice I could tell you. Seriously. You do not want to be voodood (pseudoword, duh) ha-ha-ha. No, I'm serious.

Don't be a writer if you're a friggin' copycat. I mean, sure we get ideas from people and I personally think that that is okay, but I'm not telling you to COPY and PASTE or base your story exactly at someone else's.

10. It helps to describe everything you see.

I do this all the time when I'm inside the car. Like, for example I saw construction men working.

I describe it as, "The workers had to do their jobs, even though the blistering summer sun was high. They were drenched with sweat, and their throats were dry...." yada yada yada. Don't overdo it with the adjectives though. Seriously.

Okay. I'm having a Writer's block now, so I guess I'll have to stop. *BLANK FACE* I might post a part two of this, so just wait.

Did it help you? If it didn't, I'm not surprised. If it did, however, then I WILL SHIPBRIX (you get what I mean; swearing is not allowed and I don't want to be banned)

COMMENT down if I made some sense. If I didn't, it's your problem. Like I said, I'm not saying that what works for me would work 10000000000% on you. It actually depends on your brain nerves/waves/whatever you call it, so don't call on a mob and pitch-fork me.

I'm full of crap, yes.

- rapture
May 19th, 2010 at 05:20pm