
A word like that makes some people cringe.
It's almost like a taboo to say that in a public place.
Now, I'm going to be honest.
I believe in god.
I believe that he is up there watching over all of us.
But I'm not a die-hard christian that lives completely by the bible.
I don't believe, or like some books in the bible.
But I still believe in god and Jesus.

But, I don't force my religion on people.
And I accept other religions.
Like Buddhism and Animism.
Both of those interest me a lot.
I don't care what you personally believe.
As long as you're a nice person we can get along.
Half of my friends are atheist of just don't care.
I'm not saying that i like it.
But i accept it, because they're my friends.
And they accept the fact that i am christian.

But religion has destroyed so many things.
Wars started over it.
Relationships end over it.
And it's stupid.
Sometimes religion is just annoying.
But unfortunately we can't just stop believing.

So I'm not really why i did this journal.
I guess I was just frustrated,
cause my friend's relationship just ended badly because of religion.

May 20th, 2010 at 01:31am